We’re occasionally asked if we offer spring versions of our day-long Associate Instructor Orientation or Classroom Climate Workshop. While we don’t replicate these programs at the start of the spring semester, we are offering various workshops in early January that will introduce graduate student instructors to some foundational skills for teaching. If the following options do not work for your schedule, consider making a one-on-one consultation to talk with an instructional consultant about how best to prepare for your course.
Our AI Orientation introduces new instructors to many of the foundational tenants of instruction – teaching and learning theories, inclusive classroom practices, how to plan and implement a lesson, and the smart usage of instructional technologies. Programming that is similar to AI Orientation:
- January 7th: Get Ready for Spring in Canvas
- January 8th: Teaching @ IU: Getting Started with Canvas webinar
- January 10th: Try Out Top Hat for Student Engagement
- January 13th: Leading Discussions
- January 15th: How to design a STEM lab
- January 16th: AI Orientation – Canvas and Learning Technologies at IUB
- January 21st: Community-Engaged Learning: Critical Reflection to Deepen Student Learning
- January 23rd: Service-Learning: Building Community-Based Partnerships Rooted in Trust
- January 31st: Peer Review of Student Assignments Across the Disciplines
Our Classroom Climate Workshops help new instructors understand and practice inclusive and equitable teaching practices. Please keep in mind that all graduate student instructors should attend the fall Classroom Climate Workshop series in order to fulfill requirements established by the Bloomington Faculty Council, but we also will offer the following workshops to help you out with your spring courses:
- January 13th: Leading Discussions
- January 14th: AIO Inclusive Grading for Student Writing: Practice-Based Approaches
- January 22nd: Microresistance as Technique to Address Microaggressions in our Classrooms
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