You have a research topic and have a question in mind. Congratulations! You have completed an important first step. But… Now what? Along with your V491 and V499 professors, an advisor can help you take your ideas from mere thoughts to a fully developed manuscript. Your research advisor will be an essential point of support… Read more »
Tag: advisor
Leveraging Your Thesis for Professional and Academic Growth

Between thesis advisor meetings, V491 classes, and writing sessions, the O’Neill Honors Program is a lot of work, but by the end of the process, you will have produced a thesis paper and presentation that you are proud of! I am here, however, to encourage you to think even bigger about what you can get… Read more »
It’s Going to be Okay (Really)
Writing a thesis can be extremely daunting – especially as an undergrad. At the beginning of my thesis-writing journey, I felt completely overwhelmed with the task ahead. Looking back, there are several things I wish I would have done differently to make the whole experience much smoother. While I don’t have a time machine to… Read more »
Take It From Me: Meet with your Advisor Regularly and Often
Writing an undergraduate thesis is a daunting task. Few people have even heard of an undergraduate thesis, and having this opportunity is something you should not take for granted. It will be a long journey, but you can do it! Choosing the Right Advisor One of the first steps is choosing a thesis advisor. If… Read more »
I would bet $100 I am a worse procrastinator than you. And I still did it!
Writing is not my strong suit. Time management is not my strong suit. Planning ahead is not my strong suit. You may be asking yourself… why did this girl agree to write a thesis? Frankly I do not know! Looking back on the experience (which ended one day ago; I turned in my final draft… Read more »
Adam’s Declassified Thesis Survival Guide
Congratulations on getting started on your senior thesis! This semester (or year, whenever you are reading this) will be challenging, fun, and rewarding. There will be times when your thesis is the only thing you can think about and there will be times when you wish you could think about anything else. The thought of… Read more »
If You’re Passionate About Something-Do Something About It! This is YOUR Chance.
When I first began writing my thesis a year ago, I was absolutely lost and confused about where to start. I knew what I was passionate about and I knew what I wanted to do my research on-but how do I get started? How do I begin to write about all of this? These are… Read more »
Just Make Your Life Easier
I will preface this by saying that I did not take my own advice, and I know that if I had, these last nine months would have gone much smoother and I would have yielded a result that I would have been far more satisfied with. Start Early! Wondering when to start? There is never… Read more »
Take-it or Leave-it Advice from a Former O’Neill Honors Student
If you are reading this, then you are most likely in the middle of or about to start the senior thesis writing process. This process can be grueling, but it does not have to be. The best way to mitigate the thesis writing pain is to stay proactive and consistent in your writing, data collection,… Read more »
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Thesis Writer
Congratulations on being a part of the O’Neill Honors Program! You’re now ready to take on this fun, challenging, and rewarding process of turning a passion, interest or degree into an actual research paper and presentation! Although everyone’s process and path to putting idea to research to finished paper will be a little bit different,… Read more »