Hello future CARI student! Although all of this seems very far away, you should know that it is never too early to start thinking about and brainstorming for your topic. A few pieces of advice: Pick a topic, if possible, that you’ve been interested in for a while. If you genuinely enjoy reading about your… Read more »
Month: May 2019
CARI Advice Blogs
I often find that advice concerning how not to procrastinate is somewhat futile. Everybody has their own process for writing—some plan out day-by-day plans. Some write through the night until the deadline. You know yourself and your writing style. Instead of planning writing time for which days you are going to write, I found it… Read more »
Believe in Yourself!
The senior thesis is a terrifying yet rewarding experience that teaches many things. Over the last three years, CARI has taught you many technical and theoretical skills that you can use to develop your senior capstone. Sure, the thesis may be daunting. You may not have any clue what topic you want to research. But… Read more »
There is a tremendous amount of advice available for students about to embark on a thesis, much of it is valid on the undergraduate level. The process of writing a thesis is, from experience, as challenging most people make it out to be. Second guessing and doubts are natural but putting things in perspective may… Read more »
You got this.
Congrats for getting to second semester senior year! That’s not a small feat. I just have a couple pieces of advice for you as you approach the end of your undergraduate career. Prioritize your relationships – friendships, significant others, etc. What you’re going to remember about college is not your thesis. Sure, you’ll think back… Read more »
Don’t Panic
Congratulations on making it to the final step in the CARI process! You’re probably pretty anxious about the prospect of writing your thesis- and that’s completely understandable. I’ve got a few pieces of advice for those interested in taking it from my writing process and time in the course, even though most of it is… Read more »
Overcoming Inertia
Inertia is your main enemy in the research process. At every step in the process, there are fits and starts of progress. Each and every step is an opportunity to take a few days off, and those days add up to more lost productivity than the time you spend doing the work. Finishing a piece… Read more »
Advice Blog: Respect the Process
As a senior, you are going to have many demands on your plate. As a CARI senior, you will have even more demands. Throughout the thesis process, I really encourage you to make the research process a priority — especially at the beginning. First and foremost, get over the need for perfection. Your research results… Read more »
Advice for Future CARI Students
Completing a Certificate in Applied Research and Inquiry is a difficult but rewarding process. The penultimate semester of thesis writing can be stressful and tiresome at times; it is useful to remind yourself the process is worthwhile, and really does pay dividends. Here are a few tips as you go about writing your thesis. Don’t… Read more »
The Green Spectre: Invoking China in Domestic Energy Politics

How do environmentalists better persuade the general public of green policies? This is a question that any environmental advocate should be concerned with, and answers have been attempted by many politicians and rhetors. Only by analyzing the rhetorical framing of previous major environmentalist politicians can we begin to answer that question. I chose to start… Read more »