Regarding securing an internship or full-time job, I am familiar with many experiences that can guide and align individuals into their goals. I believe that my journey to a full-time job began in preparation for my Freshman year of college. Due to having a wonderful, driven older sister that also went to Indiana University with… Read more »
Student Alliance Teams
Breaking the Coder Stereotype: My Storytelling Journey

Throughout college, it is not uncommon for you to develop that classic introduction spiel about yourself. It contains all the juicy details, like your major, year, and sometimes a hobby or two. Usually, for me, my introduction quickly includes the fact that I’m studying computer science and marketing, pursuing a dual degree that entails a… Read more »
Biases in the design of Everyday things
If you’re on this blog, I’m assuming you’re familiar with biases in the field of technology, especially in the workplace. We all have seen diversity programs at companies trying to bring about more equity. However, have you ever thought about how a lack of gender diversity in the workplace can lead to products and services… Read more »
Design and Healthcare -A Conjunction Needed to Combat Bias in Medicine

Bias in Healthcare What does that even mean? Human beings come from every corner of the land, having a variety of aspirations and their own set of beliefs & experiences. Unfortunately, this very diversity amongst them has over time made it a cause of divide and discrimination. This discrimination restricts humans from getting access to even… Read more »
From Neuroscience to Comprehensive Design: My journey to finding my passion

Just like everyone else in college, I contemplated changing my major countless times. What do I REALLY want to do? How’s the job market? Will I be unemployed and live in my parent’s house forever? It’s scary to make a decision at 18/19 and have it basically shape the rest of your life. While what… Read more »
Allies for Equity Tips
Allyship is a journey and making mistakes is inevitable. The important thing is that when you make a mistake, you apologize genuinely, learn from it, and change your behavior. Here are three simple tips to be an effective ally: Use Inclusive Language. Inclusive language is language that is free from words, phrases or tones that… Read more »
Why Allies
Why Allies for Equity? People often say that privilege is invisible to the people who have it. That certainly was, and is, the case for me as I constantly learn more about the ways my life has been affected by privilege. Some of us have more privilege than others. We did not earn it; it… Read more »