My primary goal as a resident assistant has always been to get other students involved. I honestly feel that moving out my folks’ home and into River Crossing was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Granger felt so distant from campus, and participation in clubs was a chore. I possessed a void… Read more »
Interns Sustain the Future
What interns do and learn as Sustainability Studies students.
The Sustainable Foundation
Being in the sustainability internship at the Center for a Sustainable Future has provided me an outlet to build relationships that will influence my life forever. Getting to know Dr. Mike Keen and Krista Bailey, as well as other sustainability students, has really helped strengthen and blossom the sustainable foundation that I stand on. In the readings assigned… Read more »
Park(ing) Day
Earlier in the school year several students, including myself, organized an event to take place at IU South Bend. This is event is called Park(ing) Day and takes place all over the world. Park(ing) Day is a day in September set aside for people to stop and think about how we are using our limited resource… Read more »
System Condition #2
River Crossing Campus Apartments here at IU South Bend witnessed several big changes in the area of sustainability in the recent past. The campus garden has been doubled in size to include eighteen beds and a native planting area. Both commuting and housing students participated in the several stages of the… Read more »
Build Up the Sustainability Culture
Hi! My name is Ian Spink. I have been a resident assistant at Indiana University South Bend River Crossing Campus Apartments for three semesters. Before that, I was an ordinary resident for two. This year, I have been acting as the leader for the Gaia Sustainability Learning Community. My main goal… Read more »
Best Practices
While Bob Willard’s book The Sustainability Champion’s Guidebook: How to Transform Your Company is more geared toward companies transitioning to sustainability from a not so sustainable model (i.e. corporate companies implementing sustainable practices into their successful business plan), this book also relates to any organization, large or small, by providing seven practices of sustainability champions…. Read more »
More Experience Raises Awareness
The dry, hot, and muggy summer is slowly coming to an end as we prepare for football, a new semester, and buying overpriced school books. I am a little sad that my internship will also be ending soon but I have learned so much this summer I could not be happier. The readings required to… Read more »
Cutting Down Natural Resource Usage
As books are generally made from trees, many of the projects I work on tend to have a direct relationship with our leafy friends. This summer I was able to work on one of the company’s most successful software projects to date. The success of this project will allow the company to accept ~25,000 more… Read more »
Working hard and staying cool
I stayed very busy this summer with my internship duties but it was fun to be working for a publication like Indiana Living Green as there is always something new to do every day. I worked on a list of environmental jargon/concepts by defining what they are. I have covered E-coli, Asian carp, white-nose syndrome,… Read more »
A Chance to Experience
The German novelist and poet, Herman Hesse, once wrote that “next to the hunger to experience a thing, men have perhaps no stronger hunger than to forget” And what does that have to do with a sustainability internship? Though this was not likely the context that Hesse wrote his words, I believe this perspective gives… Read more »