River Crossing Campus Apartments here at IU South Bend witnessed several big changes in the area of sustainability in the recent past. The campus garden has been doubled in size to include eighteen beds and a native planting area. Both commuting and housing students participated in the several stages of the… Read more »
Entries by Krista Bailey
Tourism, the environment, and local communities
I am captivated by oceans and mountains. Simply being in their presence brings me a deep sense of peace and contentment. And I can easily spend an entire day hiking or snorkeling. Unfortunately, I live in northern Indiana—Lake Michigan and its sand dunes aren’t quite the same as the Caribbean Sea or the Colorado Rockies!… Read more »
Build Up the Sustainability Culture
Hi! My name is Ian Spink. I have been a resident assistant at Indiana University South Bend River Crossing Campus Apartments for three semesters. Before that, I was an ordinary resident for two. This year, I have been acting as the leader for the Gaia Sustainability Learning Community. My main goal… Read more »
Circle of Strife
The final in a series of writings done by first year students at IUSB. They were in Marcia Holland’s intro writings course, W130, where their writing prompts were on sustainability topics. By Courtney Harris Throughout history, we’ve looked at earth as though it were so bountiful that there would never be a time when it… Read more »
Balanced Living Through Nature’s Complexity
Here is another piece written by first year students at IUSB who enrolled in marcia Hollands introductory writing course, W130, where their writing prompts were focused on sustainability. By Briana Weidler Everyday life consists of numerous checks and balances that we must constantly consider. The amount of sleep we get every night, what and how… Read more »
Mother Nature as our Model
By Kameron Smith Not everything that’s right and good comes easy. Sometimes when you try to simplify everything it can actually make things more complex. (B)ecoming a sustainable culture is a lot like the natural world we live in today which is the longest lasting thing we have. We begin to look at its cycles… Read more »
A Simple Mindset Towards Nature
By Magdalena Wadowski We may think that transferring from our industrial ways to the natural system will be the easiest transition ever but with our pampered habits even with the thought of changing a lot of people would have a hard time giving up the lifestyle. At the rate that we are destroying the earth… Read more »
Journey of a Locavore: It’s a Community Thing
In my locavore adventures, I am most engaged in the connection between community and food. Food is a communal thing. We meet around it, celebrate with it, we plan meals around the gathering of people—families, friends, significant others, parents—often making the choice first of the company we keep before that of the food we eat… Read more »
Journey of a Locavore–Where am I now and where do I go…for local food?
“Our food system belongs in the hands of many family farmers, not under the control of a handful of corporations.” –Willie Nelson, Co-Founder of Farm Aid In my locavore adventures, I have discovered a new way of life; one that positively affects my community, my health—and the health of my 12 and 15 year old… Read more »
Journey of a Locavore—My Personal Organic Revolution
Tucked within Martin’s Supermarket’s produce section is a small display of organic fruits and vegetables. Their overall appearance is not much different from the shiny and large peppers and cucumbers staged directly across the aisle, save for a couple bruises or odd formations that make organic vegetables beautiful in their own right. Before I learned… Read more »