Allison Corcoran
SUST-S 360
Blue Zones Power Blog 1 of 4
Healthy 3, Healthy Me
This week my classmates and I are being challenged to start incorporating 3 of the Power 9 from the Blue Zones Project into our daily lives. This list is comprised of just 9 very simple ways to better your health and wellness. Nothing on this list strikes me as difficult; the steps seem extremely doable for everyone, including myself.
Move Naturally
The first step I’ve chosen is move naturally because it is so easy and extremely beneficially to my wellbeing. By choosing to just take the stairs or walk more results in more benefits than taking the elevator. This step (literally and figuratively) will work well with me because I already do a lot of walking around my job. I also have dogs, so it’ll encourage me to do more with them, like daily walks around the neighborhood that we will all profit from!
As of now, I don’t see what would be challenging with moving more naturally because I’m always having to do so at my job that I attend every day. So, really all I have to do is just add in more enjoyable walking with dogs and continue to always choose stairs. I think I could also start parking further from my classes, if I’m not running late, and walk a further distance.
Down Shift
I’m only 23 years old, but I feel like my life is about as stressful as it can possibly get. I’m in college and plan to graduate in December, so trying to get good grades is stressful on its own, but then add in working and that just seals the deal. I think it would be incredibly favorable for me to try the down shift step because let’s face it: stress ruins your entire body!
Unfortunately, I can see this one being challenging because I will have to focus on time management to allow myself to sit aside and relax. With that being said, I’d rather readjust how much time I allow things than be suffering from negative side effects of stress. I’ve found in the past that one way for me to feel relaxed is to color while listening to my favorite music; 80’s pop (don’t lie, you love it too). I already have coloring books and a great playlist of my favorite songs. I could implement this relaxing session after I get home from class or work.
80% Rule
The last Power 9 step that I am going to start is the 80% rule, which consists of stopping eating once your stomach is 80% full. I’m extremely guilty of eating until I feel I could explode and that just leads to a long list of negative effects. I think by following this step I will more likely be able to end my dependency on food, which will also result in a healthier me.
This is going to be the most challenging because I’ve always been an emotional/stress eater. Hopefully by implementing the down shift step, I won’t be feeling as much stress though! The best way for me to follow this rule is to use a smaller plate, that way I won’t be able to fit copious amounts of food on there. I will also stop eating straight from the bag and only eat when I am actually at a table; that’ll prevent me from mindless food consumption.
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