An upcoming event that I have been assigned is the E-Waste Fest on May 11th and 12th. Coming into this internship, I was worried! I didn’t know what all was involved with the E-Waste Fest and was sure that I wasn’t going to do something right. However, once everything started rolling I gained a little confidence. You see, there are many people in our area who look forward to this event every year. There are also people who want to help it expand! Thankfully, a wonderful professor here at IU South Bend plugged me into a group very interested in recycling within the River Park Neighborhood. This small group is interested in forming their own pick-up days for their fellow neighbors to set their e-waste on the curb side and have their own volunteers drive around to collect it in the back of a couple trucks and bring it to IU South Bend as a business. Because we all got together to organize this we are saving, literally, truck-loads of e-waste from being improperly disposed.
These electronics will be able to be reused, recycled, or repurposed and that means a decrease in the extraction of substances from the Earth’s crust. (This is the first System Condition from The Natural Step Framework for evaluating and implementing sustainable practices.) You can E-cycle too! Friday, May 11th businesses and organizations can drop of their unwanted electronics such as televisions, computers, radios, etc. Saturday, May 12th the drop-off is open to the public. Start collecting now and get your pile ready. Then you, too, can fulfill the first System Condition of Sustainability!
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