An email scam was recently sent to some IU students with bogus checks. Please be aware of such scams. Here is the email students are receiving – coming from an IU email… Dear IU Student, This is to inform you formally about the current ongoing Student Empowerment Program. Our reputable company CoreBTS in conjunction with PATHWAYS and other Governmental Agencies has put… Read more »
Interfraternity Council Suspends Social and Unsupervised New Member Activities
Last night, the Interfraternity Council (IFC) at Indiana University unanimously voted to temporarily suspend all social and unsupervised new member activities until February 28, 2018. During this time, IU Greek leaders will facilitate active conversations to arrive at concrete and tangible solutions that enhance the health and safety of this community. According to IFC President… Read more »
What You (and Your Student) Need to Know About Indiana’s Lifeline Law
In 2012, the Indiana General Assembly passed a law (Indiana’s Lifeline Law) that provides limited immunity from arrest and prosecution for certain alcohol-related offenses for individuals who seek emergency medical help for someone else. The law was amended in 2014 to extend limited immunity to victims of certain sex offenses, those who seek help for… Read more »
Staying Legal Over Little 500
With the “World’s Greatest College Weekend” almost upon us, there is a chance you may have an interaction with a police officer before the end of spring semester. Police officers are tasked with enforcing laws and promoting public safety. They have a tremendous responsibility and wield significant power. At Indiana University Student Legal Services, we… Read more »
Engaging New Voices To End Sexual Violence
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), and students across campus are joining together to raise awareness of this important issue. In collaboration with the Division of Student Affairs, IU departments and student organizations will be hosting events all month to engage new voices and ask how will we keep our community safe. SAAM Events… Read more »
Strategies for Safe, Civil, and Successful Interactions with Law Enforcement
Every spring as the weather turns warm, we see students struggle to stay focused on their schoolwork and become more interested in finding ways to relax and kick back. Indiana University understands the struggle, so we are always looking for opportunities to educate students about being smart and safe. On Saturday, April 8 from 11:30… Read more »