Kate Hevner Mueller served Indiana University from 1937 to 1969 as Dean of Women, Senior Counselor for Women, and Professor of Education. Dr. Mueller was a national pioneer for women professionals and developed the Master’s Program in College Student Personnel (Higher Education and Student Affairs) at Indiana University in the early 1950s. The Kate Hevner Mueller Senior Awards were established in 2013 to honor IU seniors who have proven leadership on campus both inside and outside of the classroom and who have improved the IU community by their presence.
This year, Indiana University has selected 28 outstanding recipients for the Kate Hevner Mueller Outstanding Senior Award. In this article, we congratulate Wendy Ruiz for her ability to represent Dr. Mueller’s essential goals of the university: to promote intellect, develop personality, and inspire citizenship and leadership to all students.
Wendy Ruiz
Wendy will be graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies, Linguistics and Spanish from the College of Arts and Sciences with a minor in Latin American and Caribbean Studies. She is a Groups Scholar, Hudson and Holland Scholar, and a 21st Century Scholar. Her leadership on campus included serving as a member of Latinos Unidos at Indiana University and as a Peer Coach for the College of Arts and Sciences. Wendy also served as the co-chair of the Latino Enhancement Cooperative, where she planned the annual Indiana Latinx Leadership Conference.
Wendy is honored to be a recipient of the Mueller Award. When asked to share her gratitude, she said:
I would like to say thank you to each of the individuals who wrote letters of recommendation for me – Nicole Serena Kousaleos, Lillian Casillas, Alejandro Mejias-Lopez – as they have each provided me with so much support. Also, thank you to my parents who, without their sacrifices and support, I would not be where I am or who I am today.”
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