By Bel Lentz
Coming to Paros has been a literal dream come true. For as long as I can remember, my number one bucket list item has been to travel to Europe and immerse myself in the lovely cultures here. Greece has not disappointed me in any aspect and has exceeded every expectation. It is an incredible privilege to be able to come here through study abroad and learn about the local history and culture. I have gained knowledge that will last a lifetime and a new perspective on how I want to live my life.
Here on Paros, life is slower during the day and lively at night. Much like other European countries, there is a siesta time around 2-5 every day. As it gets quite warm here, these are the hours that the sun is directly overhead so shops close and everyone goes home to relax. This took a little bit to adjust to, but now I much prefer this way of living. The night life is so alive with children playing in the streets, friends socializing at bars, and people gathering at restaurants to watch football (aka soccer). I absolutely adore the community and have made friends on every corner. Everyone truly does know everyone!

I am so grateful for my study abroad group and how well we get along; I am sure that these are friendships that will stand the test of time. I feel inspired by my peers every day in the way they uplift and motivate each other. I am dreading leaving this island and country, but I feel so fulfilled with my experience here.