By Colin McCorquodale
My feelings about the entire Island of Paros has been nothing short of a dream. I have barely set foot outside of my hometown of Avon before, so to go across the world with my friends Taylor and Canaan has been an experience of a lifetime. It’s felt really good sharing the experience with them and with the new friends I have made.
The island has given me so many amazing new experiences such as the people, the new culture, and tons of little moments that most people would take for granted. Going out to have lunch, swimming or taking a walk in the morning are so enjoyable because of the hospitality and the landscape. The view itself is beautiful, almost like a painting on some days, and with the sounds of the ocean waves, this feels like the most peaceful place on Earth.
It’s hard to explain how welcoming Paros is. Just last week, the delivery driver from the Steakhouse drove by the Villa, and I was able to capture a portrait of him and gift that picture to him later. The joy he had that moment, just from a simple gesture, is something that will forever stick with me.
The little things truly are the big things on this trip and, when I get back home after traveling, I feel that I will have a new perspective on joy. I will have so much to look back on, such as the wacky plane ride, the cat sleeping on me in an alley, and being able to see a real film shoot down the street. Yet, the biggest thing that I will take away from this trip is the group of students. They made this trip amazing. The laughs and connections built through fun moments and new experiences make me feel amazing. We have around 2 weeks left here and I can not wait to see what experiences, projects, and anything else is thrown at us along the way.