All spring semester meetings start at 1:30 pm in DW 1001. The March meeting will be a special extended meeting used largely to address proposed changes to General Education. There will be light refreshments and a ten-minute break, and the meeting will end no later than 3:30–sooner, if possible.
- Call to order.
- Approval of minutes for January and February.
- Elected and appointed offices and committees.
- Next stage in updating and moving the Constitution to the new website.
- Remarks from the President of the Senate.
- The proposed position of Director of General Education, including how it fits with the Constitutional charge for the Senate’s General Education committee. The position draft will be posted shortly. **see note below.
- General Education issues from the remaining proposals from the Task Force. This conversation will given almost the entirety of the second hour of the meeting, which will end at 3:30 or sooner rather than the usual 3:00 pm time.
- Announcements.
**Break. As proposed in the February meeting, the bulk of the March meeting will be devoted to General Education. At approximately this point in the meeting, a break with light refreshments, provided by members of the Executive Committee, will take place, ten minutes in duration.