All spring semester meetings start at 1:30 pm in DW 1001.
- Call to order.
- Approval of minutes for January. (This agenda item will be delayed.)
- Update on the Higher Learning Commission visit.
- Update on the Budget Hearings.
- Update on the Senate motion in favor of an affordable, high quality child care facility on campus.
- Nominations for leadership positions in the Senate for next year and for the elected committees. See the slate offered to us by the nominating committee. Nominations can be made from the floor too, though it is best if the person being nominated has been consulted in advance.
- Further updates to the Senate Constitution as it moves to the new campus website.
- General Education Task Force update on the open forum meetings and other progress.
- Discussion on the kinds of information faculty need in order to make thoughtful decisions about an upcoming general education vote. The possibility of dividing the question. The likely need for a strong director/committee combination going forward no matter what general education program is in place.
- The plan for an hour in the March Senate meeting devoted to the general education questions.
- President’s remarks. a) The “Best Practices” document for promotion and tenure on the regional campuses. b) Service in the PTR process for clinical ranks. c) Other items.
- Announcements.