Notes from UFC Executive Committee, November 15, 2016
UFC’s Budgetary Affairs Leaning* Committee
- *Four “leaning” committees are available for issues that arise
- [but may not ordinarily have enough work to justify a “standing” committee]
- Review of responsibility-centered management as an approach at IU is underway
- It is different own application campus by campus, partially due to scale
- University-wide review of RCM starting now
- Campus-level review of RCM will also follow
Unified Student ID Card
- May contradict campus branding in some places—eg. IUPUI’s JagTag
- Campus identity should be preserved on the card, some say
- Samples of the cards are available for review
- Virtue of having it count also for voter ID
- Seeking an update on the options for campus branding
Course Transfer Policy
- Revision to ACA-56 underway for clarification
- Transfer credit from community colleges could not be used for upper-level credit
- Eg. L250 at a community college can’t fulfill similarly-named L350 at IU
- Will go to the agenda of the next UFC meeting
School of Education Reorganization
- IUPUI and IUB’s shared School of Education is being divided
- Complexity of standing and ad hoc committee overlap going forward
- Committee growing in size to seventeen or so in response
- Seems to focus on IUPUI, IUB, with little connection to distant regionals
Sexual Harassment Policy
- Revisions approved by a faculty subcommittee
- Will be seen by UFC shortly for review
Post-Presidential Election Issues
- President’s message Monday to the whole university appreciated
- Need for scrupulous neutrality in politics in the present circumstance
- Budget decisions ahead look favorable
- The need to preserve that favorable outlook and goodwill in the legislature
- Careful about adhering to state law here, eg. Bloomington students calling for being a refuge center
- Ways to be responsive to the breadth of our communities, eg. 5C in the strategic plans
Domestic Partner Benefits Change
- John Welan, HR, doing the review mentioned in the benefits kit
- Not easy to keep this topic in front of the UFC folks today
Grand Challenges
- How many faculty are participating in this process?
- And in the one that has been funded already?
- Fred Cate seeking to simplify the application process
- Revisit this in the UFC
- Seems to have a big-campus focus?
UFC Meeting Agenda
- Several of these items listed here in this set of notes will go to the agenda for the November meeting