Employer: Eskenazi Health
Current position: Public Affairs Coordinator
Location: Indianapolis
Degree(s): BA in chemistry, Indiana University, 2022; MHA/MPH in progress
Why did you choose your major/program?
I was interested in the health management & policy focus and IU Indianapolis has a strong program in that area in a city rich with opportunities in the health care field.
Briefly describe your career path.
In undergrad, I was introduced to the field of public health through more traditionally political policy internships. My first year of grad school, I was given the opportunity to work in the public affairs and communication department as an Eskenazi Scholar. This eventually became a full-time role.
Describe what an average day for you might be like.
Every day looks a little bit different. My service lines include social determinants of health, talent acquisition, pet therapy, family beginnings/NICU, and food & nutrition services. A typical day includes proofing creative projects like brochures and fliers, taking photographs for recruitment materials, writing advertising copy for print and digital ads, and supporting efforts to connect patients suffering from lack of financial resources or food to available resources. On extra special days, I get to produce a podcast and facilitate puppy socialization with staff.
What advice would you give your college self about pursuing your current career path or industry?
I would recommend exploring all of your interests. Even subjects that feel random and disconnected now will eventually provide you with a well-rounded and unique perspective that others will value.
What is a lesson learned at FSPH that you have been able to apply to your career?
All public health projects should start with listening to see what the community needs and wants. This is fundamental to the strategic vision for the social determinants of health team at Eskenazi Health.
What is the most significant thing that’s happened to you since graduating?
Having the opportunity to work as an Eskenazi Health Scholar has been the most significant thing to happen to me. The program gave me the opportunity to grow while early in my career and I’m extremely thankful for the introduction to an organization as special as Eskenazi Health.
What’s next for you?
I look forward to completing my MHA/MPH and continuing to work at Eskenazi Health. Eventually, I would like fo go to medical school to combine my interest in policy and my health administration experience with clinical work.
What is your favorite IUPUI/FSPH memory?
My favorite memory is cleaning up White River State Park as an orientation activity.
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