Here, Prof. Stephen Glaholt shares the benefits of studying abroad with a spotlight on the Caribbean.
What makes the Caribbean Islands special?
GLAHOLT: We work directly with Bonaire conservation groups who know and love the island. In this way and others (e.g. learning conversational Pompiamento) we truly engage in the Bonaire culture while helping to preserve its natural resources (e.g. coral reefs).
What can students expect to get out of this program?
GLAHOLT: A genuine abroad learning experience. We work hard every day to learn and apply various conservation techniques to the islands many different ecosystems in order to help the island become more sustainable.
What’s something surprising students may encounter on this program?
GLAHOLT: Strong lasting bonds with the island, its people and your fellow classmates. It’s a powerful experience.
Why is it important to focus on marine conservation?
GLAHOLT: Coral ecosystems take a long time to create, so protecting them is essential if we want the next generation to see this amazingly diverse and important ecosystem. I just can’t imagine a life without seeing vibrant coral reefs.
What types of students should apply to study abroad in the Caribbean?
GLAHOLT: I want all types of students with diverse backgrounds (where you grew up), majors (poets, writers, business, scientist, philosophers, etc) — because I want different perspectives. Having a bunch of scientists will limit our perspective, thus limiting the possible solutions.
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