O’Neill student Zsofia Leary shares about her semester abroad in Spain. What attracted you to participate in an O’Neill semester exchange? I have always loved traveling, and being immersed in another culture for a whole semester seemed like an opportunity I couldn’t miss. I would learn about local customs, but also learn about my major… Read more »
Graduate student Kenny Rusk shares about a semester in Italy
O’Neill Graduate student Kenny Rusk reflects on his semester exchange in Milan. What attracted you to participate in an O’Neill semester exchange? This was going to be my final semester at IU, so I wanted to have some fun. I saw that SPEA was introducing this program in Milan, and Italy is the first country… Read more »
Senior Adrian Tanase reflects on his time in Madrid
Adrian Tanase, senior at O’Neill, shares about his semester exchange in Madrid. What attracted you to participate in an O’Neill semester exchange? Having an Eastern European background, I was always interested in studying abroad in Europe. I chose Madrid because a friend of mine did the same program last year and had great things to… Read more »