Tell us about yourself!
My wife Susie and I have been married for 32 years. Our daughter Laynie is a senior at Bloomington High School South. Our dog Magnus is completely insane.
What do you teach in the MSHM curriculum?
I teach the Finance component in the intensive boot camp that the incoming MSHM students take in the summer.
What is your favorite part of your job as a Professor?
My favorite part of my job is when I hear from students 2-3 years after graduation and learn about all the great things they are up to. In a really small way, I am part of their success.
What is the best advice you have received?
It’s a tie: 1) figure out your end goal and then think backward to today so that you can understand all the steps you need to take to be successful; and 2) there are two ways to be rich: make more or want less.
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