Name: Gurjeet Singh
Graduation Year: 2022
Post-Graduation Career: Clinical Transformations
Q: How would you describe your MSHM journey?
A: Before MSHM, I was a Healthcare Management & Policy Major here at IU. I was happy to be able to stay in Bloomington for another year and I began this program one month after graduating in May 2021!
Q: Where/what did you do for your practicum site?
A: I worked as an Operations & Strategy Intern at my practicum site, PRECISIONxtract, where I worked on two process improvement projects. The project management best practices I learned through my coursework have had the greatest impact on my role and I know these best practices will continue to play a role in my future as a healthcare leader.
Q: Did you feel supported by the MSHM faculty?
A: I feel very supported by the program faculty and staff. Since there are only about thirty members in my cohort, professors and staff are always available to give you the extra help and time that you need to thrive in the program.
Q: What was your favorite part of the MSHM program?
A: My favorite part of the MSHM program is my cohort members. I’ve met a lot of amazing people in this program, and we’ve already shared a lot of great memories together in the past few months. I know all of them to have bright futures ahead and I’m excited to see what they accomplish. They are a force of positivity and keep me inspired to work hard!
This student was featured on the MSHM LinkedIn page!