This weekend, on Friday and Saturday, March 25 and 26, the IU Graduate Theory and Musicology Associations will host the Twenty-Eighth Annual Symposium of Research in Music. The event will feature keynote presentations by Catherine Coppola (Hunter College of CUNY), Michèle Duguay (Indiana University), and Sergio Ospina-Romero (Indiana University) as well as an interactive workshop titled “Doing Meaningful Musicology with Canonic Opera,” which will be led by Prof. Coppola.
The symposium was started in 1994 by the Graduate Theory Association. For the last two years, the GTA has partnered with colleagues in the Graduate Musicology Association to increase the symposium’s diversity and impact in the graduate population. The symposium invites graduate students from the US and Canada, IU professors, and a guest keynote speaker to present research, participate in workshops, and engage in lively debate about music scholarship and its impact.
This event, which is free and open to the public, is sponsored by the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, the Departments of Music Theory and Musicology, and the Indiana University Funding board.
Schedule and information are available on the symposium website.
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