
Guest Post: Amanda Draper writes about MusiColAbility
Read Dr. Amanda Draper’s blog post about her groundbreaking project involving teaching and learning music with disabilities. She describes it as “An IU Collaborative Learning Project which brought together IU students and Disabled musicians from within the Bloomington community.”
Unsung Opera: Staging Women of the Past
Join Sadie O’Conor in her staging of two historical operas written by women. Unsung Opera is “devoted to breaking down biases and limits of opera, enabling us to cultivate an industry where previously stifled voices can be heard.”
MOOD + : Remixing Asian Pop to Forge Community Connections
Yabing Lyu hopes to stimulate more interactions between native students and international students through the arranging of Asian pop music to speak to larger audiences.
The Embodiment of African American Art Song Begins Rehearsals
Eliana Barwinski and her team are well on their way to a performance of African American Art Song. Eliana hopes to display the final project at the Buskirk-Chumley theater in downtown Bloomington.
Conserve Bloomington Encourages Environmental Action Through Music
Aislin Carpenter’s grant-winning project aims to raise awareness for environmental action in Bloomington through music. Carpenter will present a public performance featuring the works integrating local Bloomington field recordings.
Music in Games Society Levels Up
The Music in Games Society (MGS) “is designed to create an interdisciplinary platform for students and faculty to express their interests for game sound and game design”. Founded and run by Michael Klinberg, this on-campus IU group has exploded in popularity as they look towards producing their first performance!
MusiCol Abilities Project: Music Making for All
The MusiCol Ability Project is a community outreach program headed by Dr. Amanda Draper. The goals of this project include establishing a space for children with disabilities to interact with creative music making and cultivate ability-oriented experiences that reduce stigmas associated with people with disabilities.
2023 Innovation Competition Winners Announced
The JSoM OECD’s annual Innovation Competition recently named its winner, runner-up, and five honorable mentions. Winner Sadie O’Connor’s Unsung Opera aimes to stage and record historical operas written by women, while runner-up Christian Courage Barda’s TUTTI researches disabilities in fine arts.