Communities: Shoals
Launched: 3 performances
Engaged: 95 audience members
Involved: 8 JSoM students
A small group of students from the Jazz department visited Shoals Public Library, providing an evening of programming on the newly renovated stage and introducing the rural community to a larger piece of the world. A student trio, Vinola Trio, visited Shoals Public Library for a second event, giving a discussion and performance of a selection of contemporary classical pieces. A harp and violin duo held a third performance in the fall of 2022, performing French-inspired dance music.
“More of these entertainment events should be held in small communities if they are willing. It exposes people to a bigger world.”
-Shoals Library audience member
JSoM Students Invovled:
Laurel Gagnon
Jake Lee
Peter Lerner
Aubrey Shumway
Isaac Stephens
Alex Tedrow
Ruo Yang Xiang
Lie-Jie Yu
Others Involved:
Sylvia Albaugh