Franklin County has a population of approximately 22.8k people with a median age of 42.3 years old. 6.2% of the population is under 5 years old, 23% are under 18, and 19% are 65 and older. Exactly 50% of the population is female. 8.6% of residents are living below the poverty line.
The largest industries are Manufacturing (2,660 people), Health Care & Social Assistance (1,619 people), and Retail Trade (1,250 people). The most common jobs are in Production Occupations, Management Occupations, and Office & Administrative Support Occupations. Compared to other counties, Franklin County has an unusually high number of Production Occupations (2.18 times higher than expected), Installation, Maintenance, & Repair Occupations (1.75 times), and Material Moving Occupations (1.57 times).
The economy in Franklin County employs about 11K people. The median household income of $55,588, and the median property value in Franklin County is $152,200. The homeownership rate is 80.3%. Most people in Franklin County, IN commute by driving only, and the average commute time is 28.8 minutes.
93.1% of the population of Franklin County, IN has health coverage, with 58.8% on employee plans, 11.1% on Medicaid, 13.4% on Medicare, 8.83% on non-group plans, and 1.09% on military or veteran plans. Per capita personal health care spending in the county of Franklin County, IN was $8,300 in 2014. Primary care physicians in Franklin County have an average yearly ratio of 1271 patients: 1 physician, which is a 5.3% increase from the previous year ratio. Mental health providers see an average yearly ratio of 3245 patients: 1 provider.
88.2% of Franklin County residents are high school graduates or higher. 19.8% are bachelors degree holders or higher. 82.3% of houses have a computer present, and 70% of households have broadband internet subscriptions. The primary high school in the area, Franklin County High School, has a graduation rate of 93.5%.
The largest ethnic groups in Franklin County are White (96.6%), Hispanic or Latino (1.3%), Two or More Races (0.9%), Asian (0.8%), Black or African American (0.3%), and Native American (0.3%). 99.6% of residents are US citizens.
Franklin County Highlights
Brookville Lake
Enjoy camping, fishing, hunting, boating, hiking and swimming all at Brookville Lake! The Brookville/Whitewater Complex has over 13,500 combined acres of land. The lake property has more than 25 miles of hiking trails, boating opportunities, and nationally known recreational and sport fishing. The area was originally purchased by the federal government for flood control and to provide a place for wildlife and recreation. Now, Brookville is one of the few sites in Indiana where walleye fish grow big enough for biologists to milk the females for eggs and supply walleye to other lakes in Indiana!
Whitewater River and Canal Trail
The Whitewater River is a 101 mile flowing tributary of the Great Miami River in southern Indiana and southwestern Ohio. It is formed by the confluence of two forks, the West Fork and East Fork. There is no true white water on the river, however, many rapids are present due to the steep gradient – the river falls an average of six feet per mile. This gradient rendered upstream navigation impossible, and in the mid-nineteenth century resulted in the construction of the Whitewater Canal. The Canal Trail follows the historic canal route as it travels through the heart of the Whitewater River Valley in Franklin County.
Opry Barn
The unique Franklin County Opry Barn is a live entertainment venue at the west end of Canal Town, open March through November. The Barn presents music, drama, and other activities that feature a wide variety of regional talent. The Barn even hosts a Bluegrass Family night on the third Saturday of each month!
Salt Creek Horse Ranch
Owned and operated by Ronnie Adkins, Salt Creek Ranch has about 100 horses and 700 acres of rolling hills to ride through. Enjoy the scenic beauty as you ride the wooded trails through the hills and water, and even stay overnight in a cabin or camp tent! The horse ranch has a rustic cabin that sleeps up to 18, with a complete kitchen. The ranch also offers horse training, hay rides, and BBQs upon request. Open 7 days a week year round!
Franklin County Public Library
Collections at the Brookville library currently contain over 600 vertical files on topics like surnames and local history. The library additionally has 75 family histories in bound format as well as a small collection of family Bibles, high school annuals, indexes to vital county records through 1827-1900, and microfilms of newspapers from 1833 to present day.
Skyward Adventures Ziplining
Skyward Adventures offers the ultimate zip line adventure! Skyward Adventures is a family-friendly zip line and aerial adventure course which takes you through acres of hillside in Brookville, Indiana. Experience the natural beauty that zip lining in Indiana has to offer by soaring through the air on 10 amazing Zip Lines and 4 challenging Sky Bridges. As part of the adventure, you will experience Skyward’s signature Defy Gravity Zip, the only one of its kind in Indiana!
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