The Addict’s Wake premiered at the Heartland Film Festival in October, winning the Indiana Spotlight Award and a cash prize. Featuring original scores composed by Indiana University Jacobs School of Music student Alex Tedrow, this documentary explores the impact of addiction in Brown County, Indiana.
Under the mentorship of IU film scoring professor, Larry Groupé, Tedrow was hired to write original music for The Addict’s Wake, directed and produced by Emmy Award-winning director Michael Husain and producer Lisa Hall. This two-year project delves into the effects that meth and opioid addiction have on individuals, families, and the community as a whole. The film leaves the audience with the hope that community and connectedness will encourage healing and change.
Alex Tedrow is a composer, musician, and educator who strives to inspire and connect performers and listeners of all ages to fresh, fun, and innovative music and technology. Offering a “vivacious and colorful” voice described as a “topography of beautifully integrated and deliberate sounds” (Eric Smedley), his original commissioned works are performed internationally by musicians and ensembles in both professional and educational settings. An active member of the new music community, he was awarded the 2021 SEAMUS Allen Strange Memorial Award and has been both a finalist and semi-finalist for the ASCAP Morton Gould Award. Alex is currently pursuing dual M.M. and M.S. degrees in composition and music education at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music where he works as an Associate Instructor and Coordinator of the IU Music Composition Department.
This project was partnered with the Jacobs Community Engagement Initiative and the IU Center for Rural Engagement.
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