Welcome to the Collaborative Piano at the Jacobs School of Music!
Professors Anne Epperson, Chair of the Chamber and Collaborative Music Department created in 2016, and Kevin Murphy, Director of Coaching and Music Administration for Indiana University Opera Theatre, are Co-Directors of the graduate Collaborative Piano Program at the Jacobs School of Music.
Their goal is to coordinate the activities of the collaborative piano majors with the needs of the various areas and departments within the school. This dynamic produces a very positive atmosphere in all types of partnerships and reinforces the service aspect of the profession. At Indiana University the students will acquire one of the country’s premier experiences in all aspects of a collaborative education.
Unique to the program at the Jacobs School of Music is the opportunity to choose an area of specialization: Vocal Emphasis, Instrumental Emphasis or Balanced Track. All students in the program will work with both singers and instrumentalists as part of their complete education.
Congratulations to our first Doctor of Music in Collaborative Piano!

We are celebrating the graduation in May of the first ever Doctor of Music in Collaborative Piano at the Jacobs School of Music! Tatiana Lokhina, now Dr. Lokhina, started her studies in 2016. The photo on the left shows her with Professor Kevin Murphy who hooded her in the graduation ceremony and was her primary mentor in her doctoral studies. She minored in music theory and early keyboard, studying with the renowned Elisabeth Wright. Tania has been teaching Russian diction online for several years. She is truly a “poster child” for our program….. a wonderful pianist, excellent researcher, outstanding collaborator with both singers and instrumentalists, and above all a great colleague.

Dr. Lokhina has been a full time collaborative staff pianist at the Oberlin College and Conservatory since Fall 2021. As a solo pianist, Dr. Lokhina attended Moscow Ippolitov-Ivanov Music Institute and Musikhochschule Hamburg. She earned a master’s degree in collaborative piano from Lynn University in Florida, studying with Lisa Leonard.
She recorded the unpublished works of Beethoven for violin and piano for Naxos, made an album of songs by women composers with soprano Chloe Boelter, and was featured as the harpsichordist in the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra’s DeHaan Virtual Baroque Series. She has appeared at the International Society of Bassists, Summer Opera Tel Aviv, SongFest, and the Fall Island Vocal Arts Seminar, and is involved in an ongoing performance project of the complete violin sonatas of Johannes Brahms with violinist Grigory Kalinovsky.
Congratulations, Tania!