This year, IU School of Optometry’s Clinical Assistant Professor Grace Brasel, OD, FAAO, launched the Aniseikonia Clinic at the school’s Atwater Eye Care Center. Dr. Brasel, who works in the pediatric and binocular vision department at both the Atwater Eye Care Center and Indianapolis Eye Care Center, is excited to bring this new and unique service to Bloomington, Indiana.
What is aniseikonia?
Aniseikonia is when the images from the two eyes are perceived as being different in size or shape. This can occur due to large differences in spectacle correction between the two eyes or due to retinal disease. Common retinal disorders that can cause aniseikonia are epiretinal membrane (macular pucker), macular edema, vitreomacular traction, and retinal detachment.
Symptoms of aniseikonia
Some individuals with aniseikonia can easily tell that one eye sees images larger or smaller than the other. However, for others, it may not be as clear. Individuals with aniseikonia may also experience symptoms of visual discomfort, headache, reading difficulty, double vision, distorted spatial perception, eyestrain, nausea, and dizziness.
What can I expect during an aniseikonia exam?
At the Atwater Eye Care Center, a very thorough evaluation will be performed assessing binocular vision and refractive error. Special testing is performed to measure image size differences between the eyes, important for the diagnosis of aniseikonia. If diagnosed with aniseikonia, Dr. Brasel will work with you to find the best solution to address your symptoms, whether it be contact lenses or a specialty spectacle lens design.
Questions about aniseikonia?
Contact Dr. Grace Brasel at gbrasel@iu.edu.
Want to schedule an appointment?
Have your optometrist contact the Aniseikonia Clinic at the Atwater Eye Care Center at 812-855-8436 to make a referral.
It is recommended that a comprehensive eye exam has been performed within one year of scheduling an aniseikonia evaluation. The Atwater Eye Care Center offers exams for children and adults of all ages.
Thank you for informing us about this vision disorder, in particular, would not have imagined that the patient with Aniseikonia could present so many symptoms as a result. [Aris Vision CDMX] Per(https://arisvisionmexico.com)
This blog is very helpful.