Profs. Jerry Hinnefeld and Henry Scott, along with physics majors Emilee Edmonds and Preston Porter, hosted about 15 students from Mr. Matt McQueen’s Adams astronomy class at the IUSB astronomical observatory — Mr. McQueen happens to be IUSB alum. The visit included a presentation by Prof. Hinnfeld about recent observations and, of course, a trip… Read more »
Departmental News
Dr. James Hansen Visits S106
The 2022 Bender Scholar, Dr. James Hansen, visited Prof, Lynker’s PHYS-S 106 Contemporary Physics Seminar this week, thus giving students an opportunity to meet with him in an informal setting ahead of his public lecture in the evening.
Physics Club Enters “Spirit Week” Window-Painting Contest
We continue to benefit from an engaged and motivated Physics Club this year, with members spontaneously jumping in to participate and, potentially, win some financial resources for the club. Here are some shots of club members Emille Edmonds, Preston Porter and Ethan Moody in action:
First Physics Club Meeting of the Semester
The Club leadership, including Co-Presidents Emilee Edmonds and Preston Porter, Secretary Phillip Derrickson and Treasurer Joël Rael organized a welcome-back meeting, with pizza, on September 15th, to get things going for the year. The club is planning a trip, construction project and, perhaps, a new T-shirt. If interested in joining, please check them out on… Read more »
M57 photo
The main event last Thursday in the IUSB Observatory was an attempted exoplanet detection with students Emilee Edmonds, Phillip Derrickson, and Liz Turpin — data still to be analyzed. But I stuck around afterward for a while and took this photo of M57, the Ring Nebula. It’s a 120-second exposure with active guiding, after adjusting… Read more »
Prof. Scott Interviewed by WSBT Regarding Upcoming (Fingers Crossed!) Artemis Launch
Prof. Henry Scott was interviewed on August 23rd by WSBT reporter Ronnie Das about the upcoming Artemis launch and plans to get humans back to the moon. Here’s a link to the interview:
Physics Club Active for Welcome Week
Club leadership got things off to a great start with well-staffed, and equipped, table to greet returning students for Welcome Week.
Brian Davis Interviewed by WSBT on Solar Flares
Prof. Brian Davis was interviewed on August 3rd by WSBT reporter Ronnie Das about increasing solar activity. From the article and accompanying video interview: “If you have enough of a solar flare, a strong enough event, it can compress the Earth’s magnetic field a little bit like hitting one side of a balloon and that… Read more »
I happened to notice this plaque…
…the other day as I was leaving Notre Dame’s Nuclear Science Lab. I was not aware that Luis Morales (IUSB Physics BS ’14) was a co-recipient of this award in 2020. The award is named for a grad school friend of mine, who returned to serve as the director of accelerator operations for the lab… Read more »
Alum Update: Gregory Warrell ’10
Dr. Gregory Warrell graduated from IUSB with a B.S. in Physics in 2010. Subsequently, he earned Ph.D. in Physics with a Concentration in Medical Physics from the University of Toledo, in 2016, along with a Residency in Medical Physics at Case Western Reserve University / University Hospitals Cleveland. Since 2016 he’s held the position of Therapeutic… Read more »