Andrew Ratkiewicz, who graduated in 2006 with a B.S. in physics and a minor in math, was honored with the 2024 Alumni of the Year Award for the School of Natural Sciences at the 3rd annual Night of the Titans event on Tuesday, September 17th, 2024.
Chancellor’s Professor Emeritus Jerry Hinnefeld was featured in a prerecorded introduction for Andrew, and the award was presented by Associate Dean Henry Scott. Our chair, Prof. Monika Lynker attended as well. Professors Hinnefeld, Lynker, Schrimmigk and Scott all worked with Andrew on various research projects with Andrew during his time at IU South Bend. While in South Bend to receive the award, Andrew gave a talk in our Contemporary Physics Seminar about some of his current work: Nuclear-Plasma Interactions at the National Ignition Facility (NIF).
We are all incredibly proud of Andrew!

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