The Department of Physics & Astronomy hosted our Alumni & Friends “50/200” Reunion Event during the weekend of Friday, May 12th, to Sunday, May 14th, 2023. This was a tremendous success from our perspective, with alumni coming from as far as California and former faculty member Steve Shore Zooming in from Pisa, Italy.
The weekend opened with a Friday night reception at The Brick.

Saturday started with an “open house,” which included interactive, child-friendly demonstrations, and lab and observatory tours, led by SPS members Phillip Derrickson, Seamus Cash, Cosmo Cripe, Nicholas Good and Zach Hochstetler, and faculty members Brian Davis, Ilan Levine and Jerry Hinnefeld.

Prof. Jerry Hinnefeld provided an historical overview of the department which included a comprehensive faculty timeline:

As mentioned, Prof. Steve Shore “visited” via Zoom to share memories of his time with the department and stories about his transition to, and current position at, Università di Pisa.

Next was an interactive panel discussion about working at national labs with alums Shelly Lesher (’99), Scott Marley (’04), Israel Owens (’98) and Andrew Ratkiewicz (’06).

The “Open House” concluded with an abbreviated Sigma Pi Sigma (ΣΠΣ) induction ceremony, by Henry Scott, for alums Jason Daly (’97), Shelly Lesher (’99), Scott Marley (’04), Israel Owens (’98) and William Zech (’02).

There was a on-campus dinner Saturday night, and a cookout, hosted by the Hinnefelds, on Sunday afternoon.
This post includes photos from Jeff Bradbery (’03), Phillip Derrickson (’24), Jerry Hinnefeld and Henry Scott, but of course it is just a small sampling, and we’d love collect additional photos from others in order to compile an more representative gallery from the entire weekend. Please reach out to Henry Scott ( if you have photos that you’re willing to share; thank you, Jeff and Phillip, for sharing your photos — they’re great!
With a subset of alums attending each event, we didn’t think to take any large-group photos. Fortunately, Jeff took the initiative to get some on Saturday afternoon. Might others have additional group shots?

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