Please join us via Zoom for a special research presentation by IU Bloomington Ph.D. candidate Patrick Blackstone. Patrick is a theorist with an especially strong interest in undergraduate teaching (he’s a Future Faculty Teaching Fellow). Further, the format of his presentation will be shorter than normal, at only twenty minutes, followed by questions, as we want to make this easily accessible to a broad audience.
Day: Thursday
Time: 3:00 – 3:30 PM
Date: January 20th
Zoom Link:
Physical Location (Optional): for those on campus and interested, we’ll facilitate group attendance using the AV equipment in NS0063
Title: Pion and Kaon Scalar Form Factors and Their Role within New Physics Theories
Abstract: The form factor of a state encapsulates the complicated nature of the internal interactions which may not be directly calculable. The scalar form factor, in particular, describes the coupling of that state to a scalar boson such as the Higgs in the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. Common extensions of the SM add new scalar particles to the theory, and the consequences of this addition to the new theory’s predictions must be evaluated. I have been working to calculate these form factors for the 2pi and 2K states in a particularly troublesome energy range in which common methods of calculation break down. A robust understanding of these functions is immediately applicable to constraining the parameters of theories involving new scalar particles.
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