Through a $1.68 million pledge from the Dwyer Charitable Trust, IU South Bend has established the Vera Z. Dwyer Bicentennial Chair of Palliative Care.
The new chair will help IUSB advance opportunities for practice, education and research in palliative and hospice care — and extends a partnership between the university and the Center for Hospice Care to educate health and social service professionals in palliative care.
“We believe education and training in palliative care will become increasingly important in the coming years with an aging population in our community,” said David Kibbe, vice president at Indiana Trust and Investment Management Company, which manages the Dwyer Charitable Trust. “Our hope and expectation is that students in the Dwyer College of Health Sciences will be better prepared to help manage the pain and symptoms of those facing progressive or incurable illnesses.”
IUSB will launch a national search for the new chair in 2017 and have that person begin their duties in 2018. Learn more about the chair and prior philanthropy at IUSB from the Dwyer trust here.
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