High Five Skill # 4, oral language, is a fundamental tool for communication and expression that supports children’s cognitive, social and emotional development. Birth to five years is an important period for fostering oral language skills. During these early years, adults play a vital role in creating literacy rich environments that support language skills. Let’s… Read more »
Month: September 2023
Concepts of Print: More than Fun and Games!
Concepts of print, including understanding how to hold a book, knowing how to track print from left to right, and recognizing letters and words on a page, are essential precursors to reading. Supporting young children to develop concepts of print is crucial to their literacy development. Here are some effective strategies for supporting young children… Read more »
What does Alphabet Soup have to do with Alphabet Knowledge?
Alphabet Knowledge is the ability to recognize and name the letters of the alphabet and understand that letters have meaning. Furthermore, Alphabet Knowledge promotes cognitive development by enhancing memory, attention, and problem-solving abilities and helping children make connections between sounds and symbols. Successfully learning the alphabet boosts a child’s confidence and self-esteem which can motivate… Read more »
Let’s Hear It! How to Develop Children’s Phonological and Phonemic Awareness
Phonological and phonemic awareness skills involve the ability to recognize and manipulate sounds within spoken language, setting the stage for a strong literacy foundation. There are numerous engaging and effective strategies to foster phonological and phonemic awareness in young learners. Let’s explore concrete methods that contribute to the development of these crucial skills. Rhyming Games… Read more »
The “High Five” Early Literacy Skills
As you know, literacy is one of the most important aspects of early childhood development and includes what I like to refer to as the “High Five” early literacy skills: 1) phonological and phonemic awareness; 2) alphabet knowledge, 3) concepts about print 4) oral language and 5) early writing. The “High Five” early literacy skills… Read more »