“When people are self-affirmed by thinking about an important value…they seem to become less vulnerable to self-image concerns and instead may be emboldened to turn toward self-promotion and upward social comparisons that should serve the goal of self-improvement” (Spencer et al. 61). For example, reciting “I am” followed by important personal values can become powerful mantras to strengthen one’s self-image.
To promote campus positivity, the IU South Bend Honors Program invites everyone at IUSB (students, faculty, and staff) to participate in the “I am” Project. Our goal is to spread positive affirmations to campus and community members through your uplifting words. We plan to hand-write these phrases in chalk throughout campus sidewalks so you can read one another’s affirmations and be reminded not only of your self-worth but that we’re all in this journey together. If you would like to participate, fill out our Google Form below to share some uplifting words of encouragement. *All phrases will be anonymous*
Google Form: https://forms.gle/BjTTyyCdxjig4Yrq6
For more information about the benefits of positive affirmations:
- Spencer, Steven J., et al. “Maintaining Oneʼs Self-Image Vis-à-Vis Others: The Role of Self-Affirmation in the Social Evaluation of the Self.” Motivation & Emotion, vol. 25, no. 1, Mar. 2001, pp. 41–65. EBSCOhost, search-ebscohost-com.proxysb.uits.iu.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edsovi&AN=edsovi.00011208.200125010.00004&site=eds-live&scope=site.