Terry L. Allison, Professor of English and former chancellor IU South Bend, was recently appointed as part-time Executive Director of LGBTQ Presidents in Higher Education, an independent, not-for-profit organization. Dr. Allison is seeking a student worker, with strong preference for a graduate student, to assist him with the social media and communications of the organization. This can be a work study or a paid hourly position, depending on the student’s eligibility and match to the job. (In other words, if you’re the right student for the job and don’t have work study, please apply and you will receive full consideration!) The budget for this position includes fifteen (15) hours per week at up to $15/hr for forty (40) weeks per year. The student can begin immediately. The funding for this position at IU South Bend will continue up to three years.
The Media and Communication Assistant must be in strong support of the mission of LGBTQ Presidents in Higher Education. The current website link is here: www.lgbtqpresidents.org
Here are the duties of the Media and Communication Assistant:
- The Media and Communication Assistant must be able to update the website regularly and have web skills adequate to provide continuing improvement of the website.
- The student worker must maintain mailing lists and send out online and physical mailings.
- The student worker will work with Excel files to record expenditures, track renewals of services, etc.
- The student worker will assist the Executive Director in preparing for online and in-person meetings of the board of the organization, taking minutes at meetings and preparing drafts for the Executive Director. If the pandemic permits, the student will be requested to attend and assist at in-person conferences and meetings. This is a possibility, but not a requirement of the job.
- The student worker will assist the Executive Director in planning for conferences, making telephone calls, schedule Zoom and telephone calls for the Executive Director, helping the host institution in setting up registration and assisting committee chairs as needed.
The Media and Communication Assistant must be able to work remotely and independently under the supervision of the Executive Director, carefully accounting for time spent working and budgeting time efficiently to complete tasks.
If you are interested in this position, please contact Dr. Terry Allison at tlalliso@iu.edu or call (802) 868-6230.