Loss of Income?
Families of financial aid recipients who have experienced a significant loss of income during 2019 or 2020 may be able to have their eligibility for aid re-evaluated.
The Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships has an Unusual Circumstance Form (UCF) on our website that explains the process and required documentation. Select the ‘Important Forms’ box at iusb.edu.finaid and review the form under the ‘Year Specific Forms’ section.
IMPORTANT: Families with an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of zero are already eligible for the maximum amount of aid and would not be eligible to file the UCF. The EFC is visible on the Student Aid Report (SAR) and in the email sent to you from FAFSA.
If you have not yet filed a FAFSA, for the 2020/2021 or 2021/2022 award year, we encourage you to do so.