Bandwidth Recovery: Helping Students Reclaim Cognitive Resources Lost to Poverty, Racism, and Social Marginalization by Cia Verschelden. Led by Mallory Roberts, this book group will discuss the impact of scarcity – of money, health, respect, safety, affirmation, choices, belonging – on student success and provide strategies to help them gain back some of the bandwidth lost to poverty, racism, trauma, and other “differentisms.”
This book group will allow participants the flexibility to drop into sessions that work best for their schedule. A Zoom session and a face-to-face session will be available.
- 3 pm Tuesday, face-to-face in the UCET classroom (Feb. 6, Mar. 5, Apr. 9)
- 9 am Wednesday, Zoom (Feb. 7, Mar. 6, Apr. 10)
Register by January 22. Ebook available through the IUSB Libraries. Limited physical copies of the book are available in UCET on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact to inquire about picking up a copy.