The first Deans’ Seminar in the 2023-24 series will be held this Friday, October 20, 2023. Alisha Springle, Assistant Professor of Speech Language Pathology, will present her research entitled “Development & Dragons: Building a Clinical Research Program.”
We will meet at noon in the UCET Classroom (NS245). Feel free to bring your lunch. Soft drinks and water will be provided. If you would like to join by zoom please use this link:
What do you do to show your excellence in scholarship and teaching in the first tenure track line in a new clinical professional program? This presentation will share (honestly and with some humor) how I set myself up to do so . . . then discovered and have met a series of challenges. You will learn a bit about current practice in speech language pathology, a bit about how to integrate multiple goals into a single endeavor, and hopefully have your own creativity sparked. This presentation was created to be applicable widely to early faculty who need ideas, support, and resources. Please join me!