The IU South Bend Transition Monitoring Team (TMT) is a group that invites comments on the change process to hear how things are going for people and the effects that the transition is having on them. The hope is that by establishing the TMT, people will feel they have a vehicle to express fears or anxieties and identify gaps in communication or engagement in ways that will build confidence and trust in the reorganization implementation process and leadership.
Campus feedback will be gathered by group members through email, casual conversations, one-on-one meetings and an anonymous feedback Qualtrics form and will be shared with campus administration and AOD-I.
To date the TMT has collected over 100 comments that have affected AOD implementation communications, timelines, processes, and structure.
Please feel free to reach out to any of the TMT members listed below or click here for the anonymous feedback form.
TMT Members:
Deb Schmitt (Coordinator),
Stacie Merken (Co-facilitator),
Kathy Miller (Co-facilitator),
Karrie Jean,
Phillip Mikulak,
Stephen Salisbury,
John Thompson,
Rebecca White,
(The TMT consist of volunteers from the Chancellor’s Leadership Development Program cohorts from 2021-22 and 2022-23 and a representative from HR.)