Invitation for the IU South Bend Community, along with their neighbors, family, and friends:
Join Francis S. Barry, a Bloomberg Opinion columnist and member of the editorial board covering national affairs for a discussion about his well-reviewed book, Back Roads and Better Angels: A Journey into the Heart of American Democracy is at the St. Joe County Public Library, Leighton Auditorium, on Friday, Sept. 27, 4 pm.
!Haven’t read the book yet? That’s okay!
Register at the event link, available on the SJCPL events page and here:
Please invite your friends for a timely, interdisciplinary talk about how people across the nation are working to bridge divides.
More information at this author link:
This event is co-sponsored by The American Democracy Project at IU South Bend and its Office of Community Engagement, Departments of Political Science and Philosophy, and Programs in Women’s and Gender Studies