- The IU Presidential Arts & Humanities Production Grants fund the technical manifestation of prior research or work, supporting performance costs (e.g. hiring performers, sound equipment, studio rental); exhibit costs (e.g. shipping, packing); fees for monographs and article production (open access and image fees); sound, film and video editing/production; printing and design; and advertising. Awardees receive up to $15,000. You must be logged into InfoReady to apply. Deadline: Jan. 31.
- The IU Presidential Arts & Humanities Fellows Program is an academic year fellowship program that accelerates and amplifies the work of outstanding Indiana University faculty poised to become national and international leaders in their respective areas. The overall goal of the program is to lift and promote Indiana University’s already stellar arts and humanities communities and ensure their continued prestige with an eye to promoting research that makes the campuses national and international centers for scholarship. Awardees receive up to $50,000. You must be logged into InfoReady to apply. Deadline: Jan. 31.