On Tuesday, October 10, all faculty and staff members on our campus received a survey from the Center for Survey Research (CSR) at IU Bloomington, seeking feedback on Chancellor Elrod’s performance as part of her five-year review. Please participate in the review of Chancellor Elrod by accessing the survey through the link provided in the email message. If you cannot locate the email, you may contact csr@indiana.edu to request your unique link to the survey.
Faculty and staff may also submit written comments to the Chancellor’s Review Committee by sending a signed letter to its Chair, Dr. James Wimbush, via email (vpdei@iu.edu) or by postal mail: OVPDEI, 107 S Indiana Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405.
Questions about the survey, can be directed to the Center for Survey Research at csr@indiana.edu.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.