Congratulations to Barbara Spinda for earning Quality Matters certification for CLS-N390 Vaccines: Science and Society. Quality Matters certification is a rigorous, nationally recognized process and represents Barbara’s strong commitment to excellence and quality in online education. This course was reviewed by a team of three faculty members with current experience in online teaching, including a subject matter expert. The review team used the Quality Matters Rubric in the certification process, which is based on best practices that promote student learning and is supported by a thorough review of the research literature. The peer review team determined that Barbara’s course met Quality Matters standards. Congratulations, Barbara!
The Quality Matters program at IUSB offers funded opportunities for faculty, including professional development to apply best practices in online course design, continuous improvement of course design through peer review, and peer reviewer training and certification. To learn more about Quality Matters, please contact Anna Michelle Martinez-Montavon at or 574-520-4529.