Work-Study News 23 Summer
Units planning to hire students under the federal work-study program must follow this document.
The work-study eligibility period for Summer 2023 is May 7 – August 5, 2023 (unless otherwise stated on the student’s work-study authorization form).
Step 1: Job Posting
- Determine your unit’s budget availability to hire students. Currently, hiring units are responsible for 25% of the student pay. This model could change so stay tuned for updates over this summer.
- Note: Students cannot be paid with work-study funds until the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships determines their eligibility for an award. Any student who begins working prior to being approved by our office, MUST be hired and paid as a regular hourly student employee.
- Note: Federal law requires that a Work-Study student be paid the same wage as any other person in the position, but not less than minimum wage. Minimum wage at IU South Bend is $10.15 per hour.
- Post each position with the IUSB Career Services Office. Complete the Work-Study Job Posting located at: W:\Financial Aid\Work Study job posting.doc and email it to Career Services at
- The “contact person” on the form is the person you want students to contact for an interview.
- If the unit has more than one work-study position with different duties, then each position has to have a separate job posting.
Step 2: Interview and Hiring
- Interview the student applicants
Note: Some student applicants have been pre-approved by the Office of Financial Aid to be eligible to seek work-study positions, other student applicants can submit a request to the office to determine their eligibility. A valid 2022/2023 FASFA must be on file prior to submitting a request for part time Summer 2023 work study funds.
- The Office of Financial Aid pre-determines students who are eligible to seek work-study positions. Eligible students will be emailed three things:
- Work Study Newsletter describing the work-study award
- Work-Study Authorization form listing the total $ amount the student can earn. This form has additional fields that need to be filled out by the employing unit and submitted with the student’s hiring paperwork to Human Resources.
- Note: The Gross Limit of Earnings (LOE) referenced on the student’s approved work-study authorization form is the MAXIMUM TOTAL PAY the student can earn for the listed dates/session(s) and IS NOT the departmental share. For example, if the authorization form lists $3,000 and the student is hired at $10.15 per hour, then the maximum hours they can work will be approximately 295 hours. In the above example, if the student works for 200 hours overall, then the department pays $507.50 which is equal to 25% of the total salary.
- Fillable Work-Study Job Description form that needs to be completed and submitted to Human Resources by the employing unit with their hiring paperwork.
- Hiring the work-study eligible student
- Obtain the Work-Study Authorization form from the student. Fill the form with your unit information. Submit hiring paper work along with the student’s work-study authorization form to HR. IUSB Payroll will forward the student’s Work-Study Authorization form and Position Description to the Office of Financial Aid.
- The IU background check policy (cost to be paid by hiring department) requires all areas of Indiana University to conduct criminal history checks and sex and violent offender checks on all new Hourly employees, including work-study. Questions must be directed to Human Resources. You may view the policy here:
- Obtain the Work-Study Authorization form from the student. Fill the form with your unit information. Submit hiring paper work along with the student’s work-study authorization form to HR. IUSB Payroll will forward the student’s Work-Study Authorization form and Position Description to the Office of Financial Aid.
- The following form may be submitted with the hiring paperwork to HR or directly to Office of Financial Aid after hiring
- Obtain, complete, and submit the Work-Study Job Description form from the student (also available on the W drive). Federal Regulations require that the Office of Financial Aid has a position description for every student hired.
Step 3: Determine Work Schedule
- Federal regulations prohibit a student from working during hours when he/she is scheduled to be attending classes. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to make certain this does not occur. Each supervisor should request a copy of the student’s class schedule each session and review this information when establishing the student’s work schedule
- It is recommended that students, who are working part-time, while attending class full-time, be limited to working an average of 20 hours per week while classes are in session. The 20-hour average is calculated over the period of enrollment for which the student has received an award. Work performed during break periods should not be included in determining the 20 hour per week average.
- Students who work under the work-study program are no longer required to stay within the 116 hour rule. However, other student employees are required to stay within the 116 hour rule. A reminder (in red) will show above the timesheet, as an alert, once someone nears the 29-hour mark. The 29 hour limit is calculated by adding the total hours worked at all jobs and is set per the Temporary Positions Policy. You may review the policies at
Step 4: Payroll and Timesheet
- Hiring units are responsible for keeping track of the total student pay and for 25% of the Gross LOE.
- Supervisors must monitor the student pay to ensure that the student does not exceed his/her work-study allotment as specified on the Work-Study Authorization form. If the total approved amount needs to be increased, ask the student to contact the Office of Financial Aid at least two weeks prior to exhausting funds, to explore the possibility.
- Time Sheet Verification Requirement: Supervisors are required to verify and approve time sheets for all employees, including Work-Study. Allowing time sheets to ‘auto approve’ is not an acceptable process. Departments that routinely have time sheets ‘auto approve’ may lose eligibility to employ Work-Study students.
Need Help or Have Questions?
We appreciate your continued cooperation and thank you for taking the time to become familiar with the information contained herein. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact Cyndi Lang at or Melissa Pace at at the IU South Bend Office of Financial Aid.