The first Deans’ Seminar in the 2022-23 series will be held this Friday, October 28, 2022. Rama Reddy, Assistant Professor of Management, will present his research entitled “System-Level Drivers of Informal Entrepreneurship: A Cross-National Configuration-Based Perspective.”
We will meet at noon in the UCET Classroom (NS245). Feel free to bring your lunch. Soft drinks and water will be provided.
In the modern economy, informality is a fundamental characteristic of underdevelopment. ‘Informality’ is a term used to describe the collection of firms and activities that operate outside the legal and regulatory framework. This study aims at understanding the factors that drive entrepreneurship in the informal sector. Building and complementing extant research on the system-level view of institutions, I argue that the configuration of institutional conditions and the relative strengths and weaknesses of state capabilities across multiple institutional domains drives, both subsistence-oriented and growth-oriented informal entrepreneurship. I test the hypothesized relationships using 98- country cases and find support for the hypothesized relationships. I also discuss implications for informal entrepreneurship research and policymakers.