The IU South Bend Veterans Book Club is meeting Thursday September 15 at 5:30 to discuss the graphic novel, True War Stories, edited by Alex Di Campi and Khai Krumbhaar. The meeting will be in Room 301 of the Schurz Library and on Zoom.
Do you enjoy graphic novels? Are you interested in veteran’s experiences? Consider joining us at the Veterans Book Club! The first book club selection of the year is a full color visual experience, as well as great storytelling. John Thompson from Fine Arts will show us how art can enhance and effectively replace text in a story.
The book club meets periodically during the academic year to discuss a variety of works and genres related to the military, veterans, and war. Everyone on campus and in the community is welcome, you don’t have to be a veteran to participate. For questions, more information, and a free copy of the book, please contact Rhonda Culbertson (