Thursday, April 14th 12n – 12:45pm, via Zoom.
Have your online class discussions fallen into the “make a comment, then respond to two posts” trap? Do you long to see your students engage on a deeper level with the texts for your course? What if they could annotate a passage right where that passage lives? Hypothesis is a text annotation tool developed to make reading a more active experience. Students can comment on others’ annotations to discuss specific passages of text within the text itself. You can use it on pdf documents in Canvas or on the web and on websites themselves.
Kyle Jones, IUPUI Assistant Professor in the School of Informatics and Computing, Department of Library and Information Sciences, is teaching an online course around the use of Hypothesis this semester. Join us for this webinar to discover the successes and lessons he’s learned while integrating the tool into his teaching.
Presented by Kyle Jones, facilitated by Amy Pawlosky
Please register in advance.