Dr. Darryl Heller tackles critical race theory and counters the distortions that have entered the popular narrative.
“Critical race theory” has become part of the national dialogue on race over the past year, partly due to the racial reckoning that arose in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd and also due to right-wing alarms about its power to “brainwash” school children. School districts from Florida to California have moved to ban its teaching, while pundits—including former president Donald Trump—have gone so far as to call it “un-American.”
In “Reckoning with the ‘Critical’ in Critical Race Theory,” Dr. Heller leads a public lecture highlighting what CRT actually is, what it’s been (often inaccurately) described to be, and how the controversy has impacted honest dissections of U.S. history. He will specifically address the “critical” aspect of CRT and why it is important that we take seriously the history of race, racism, and unequal power relations if we are to gain a better understanding of U.S. history and the institutional and systemic factors that continue to perpetuate racial injustice.
This free lecture is offered in person and online. IU South Bend students and faculty are warmly encouraged to attend.
Those joining in person, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, must wear a mask over their mouth and nose for the duration of the event.
More information at https://events.iu.edu/iusbcivil/event/229689-1
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
6pm to 7:30pm
Zoom: https://iu.zoom.us/my/crhciusb
Civil Rights Heritage Center
Indiana University South Bend
1040 W. Washington