COVID vaccination with Flu vaccination? You’ve got questions— we’ve got answers! “Can I get both flu and COVID vaccinations at the same time? “is a frequent question we hear! SO… can I?
- IF you are healthy, between the ages 12-64, (and not diagnosed with immunocompromising diseases or illness), you can consider getting BOTH flu and COVID vaccinations at the same time (but different arms!)
- IF you are over 65 OR have significant health issues (such as cancer, immunosuppressive illnesses or take immunosuppressive medications) OR are concerned, ALWAYS talk to your primary care provider FIRST!
If you have other questions, please consider reviewing the following:
- IU COVID information sites, including “Ask Aaron” Ask Aaron
- IN Department of Health COVID website-
- CDC COVID website –
- And call us at the HWC- 574-520-5557. We are here to help!