EVENT: IUSB CERES Pandemic Scholarship Roundtable
WHAT: A brown bag roundtable to discuss experiences and lessons learned from the pandemic about our scholarship and research
WHEN: 24 September, 12pm to 1pm
WHERE: This will be a hybrid event, live in EA 1101 (corner conference room across from Starbucks), or via Zoom at https://iu.zoom.us/j/89865583092 (password: roundtable)
Bring a lunch and share ideas! The pandemic has stressed our professional careers in a variety of ways. Meet with other faculty to discuss our experiences, what we’ve overcome, and remaining challenges to accomplishing our scholarship in the evolving pandemic environment. Potential subjects to discuss include access to specialized materials and/or equipment, management of student employees and mentees, collaborative work on-campus or beyond, travel constraints, publication and meetings issues, et cetera. How can the faculty of Indiana University South Bend learn together from the last year and respond in ways that help?
This event is sponsored by the IUSB Center for Excellence in Research and Scholarship (CERES). Contact director Josh Wells (jowells@iusb.edu) with questions.